So erreichen Sie uns:


The regular certification of our business activities creates trust. Trust that we have in our suppliers and that our partners have in us. That is why, since 1995, we have been certified in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001 et seq., and in compliance with the specifications of DIN EN ISO 13485 since 2011.

You still have a few questions about our quality management system? Call us or send us an email.

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    You can reach us by phone at:

    +49 (0) 2534 / 970 – 145

    Why choose us

    • Our expert staff offer expert, careful, cost-conscious advice.
    • We see ourselves as being in a partnership of equals with our customers.
    • We are meticulous in ensuring that all safety specifications are met and reliably ship small to medium quantities.


    • We deliver on time and exactly as agreed.
    • We guarantee all our business partners a named contact.
    • Thanks to our powerful, advanced IT infrastructure, we are able to guarantee that all contract and laboratory service processes are fully auditable and traceable.